domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

Your Guide to British Way of Life

Acceptable Behaviour in England

The English are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humor. Basic politeness (please, thank you, excuse me) is expected.

How to greet someone:

English people are quite reserved when greeting one another. A greeting can be a bright ´Hello´, ´Hi´, or ´Good morning´, when you arrive at work or at school.

Terms of Endearment:

You may be caller by many different "affectionate" names, according to which part of the England you are visiting. Do not be offended, this is quite normal. For example, you may be called dear, dearie, flower, love, chick, chuck, me duck, me duckie, mate, guv, son, ma´am, madam, miss, sir, or treacle, according to your sex, age and location.

Interesting Fact
The "affectionate" name 'duck' is thought to come from the Anglo-Saxon word 'ducis' which was meant as a term of respect; similar to the Middle English 'duc', 'duk' which denotes a leader, commander, general; from which comes the title 'Duke' and the Old French word 'ducheé' - the territory ruled by a Duke.

Manners are Important!

DOs and DON'Ts (Taboos) in England

Do stand in line:

In England they like to form orderly queues (standing in line) and wait patiently for their turn, e.g. boarding a bus. It is usual to queue when required, and expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. "Queue jumping" is frowned upon.

Do take your hat off when you go indoors (men only):

It is impolite for men to wear hats indoors especially in churches. Nowadays, it is becoming more common to see men wearing hats indoors. However, this is still seen as being impolite, especially to the older generations.

  • Do say "Excuse me"                            
  • Do pay as you go
  • Do say "Please" and "Thank you"
  • Do cover your mouth
  • Do shake hands
  • Do say sorry
  • Do smile

Do not greet people with a kiss:

They only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.

Do not ask a lady her age:

It is considered impolite to ask a lady her age.

  • It is impolite to stare at anyone in public
  • Avoid talking loudly in public
  • Do not pick your nose in public
  • Do not burp in public

As you can see British way of life can be very different from others countries and peoples cultures. Their Customs, their History, their Education, their Etiquette make them a very polite people.

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