segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010

Me, myself and I

My name is Patrícia Fernandes (a.k.a. Patixita) and I’m a seventeen-year-old student.
I have the privilege of start writing this blog by adding a composition about me! Although I don’t know exactly what to say, I’ll do my very best to you get to know me.
I believe that my friends know me better than I do, but I think that I am very stubborn (and I think they agree on that)! Especially when I’m feeling sad or mad at something or someone, it’s my way or no way! It may be a little extreme but this is me and I’m aware that this is my worst flaw. Sometimes I try to fight this defect but other times I can be a pain in the ass.  As I said it’s my worst flaw which means that is not my only one, I’m also lazy.  Some days I don’t feel like study, others I don’t want to go out. But when I’m feeling really lazy I enjoy not doing anything, I just lie on bed and stay there for infinite times thinking. Thinking about school, thinking about friends, thinking about boys... Just thinking and sometimes wondering what if...  What if I was rich? What if I was smarter? And what if the world ends tomorrow? Regardless, I find no answers to my questions or solutions to my problems.
In spite of these imperfections I also have qualities like being a good friend, a good student and a good daughter. I have many schoolmates and colleagues but I don’t have many friends. They may be little, but I am sure they are good. It takes time to earn my friendship and even more time to earn my love. I don’t just say “you’re my friend” or “I love you” instantly after meeting someone. No, it takes time and effort to build a relation. But I can assure you that after considering someone my friend I’d do anything for him/her. I give major importance to my friends. I go to them when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m mad, when I want to celebrate... They are the engine of my life, without them I’d be nothing. I want my friends to be eternally in high spirits because when they laugh, I laugh with them but when they cry, I cry with them. Unfortunately, my nastiest dissatisfactions were because of my supposed friends. Have you ever felt that you can trust someone and you didn’t even consider it otherwise? Well, I’ve felt that sometimes and have been disappointed after... Sometimes I’m stupid and believe that everyone is a nice person. But I’ve learned the lesson now, I never trust someone completely until they show me they are reliable.
When it’s time to party, I party, but when it’s time to work, I work. I’ve always been very self-conscious about my duties as student, as a daughter, as a friend and as a citizen. I always try to make the world a better place by trying to be ecological. I believe we can change the world with our own two hands. I believe we must act, and fast. Otherwise the world will be chaotic in a few years. And that’s why I’m an online Greenpeace activist and I’ve also dragged my friends and family in to it.
I think I’ve said enough for today! I can’t say everything now, what would I write about tomorrow? Well, stay in touch for new updates!

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