domingo, 14 de novembro de 2010

HELOO!! My name is Ana Teresa Sousa, i´m 18 years old... i belong to 12CT3... About me? i am a very out going girl, i love to meet new people, music is my real passion, i love to sing, to dance, write songs, play the piano, well so many things...
I think living in portugal is becaming more dificult, i like my country but living in a more developed one, to me, would be more interesting... i don´t agree with the portuguese´s mind...  portuguese people don´t acept people that they think that are differnte, but about that i have one question: what is beeing normal? people don´t accept a relasionchip between a white and a black pearson, don´te accept people that has a different style, don´te accept same sex relasionchips...
I believe that there is a God loking for everyone, that existe a supirior being, and in my opinion He is the only one who has the power to jugde somebody...
All the people in the world era humam beings, all have a face, have blood in their vains, have skin, have a brain, have feelings, etc...
All the people need to be loved, the love it´s not only for somo people... nobody in the world are better than nobody, we are made by the same thing...
God is loking for everyone and i believe in karma, so what goes around comes around!

That´s me in the picture...
A big kiss
Ana Teresa Sousa

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